CATALOGUE: United Kingdom



Phipson on Evidence 20th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Craies on Legislation 13th Edition

Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency 23rd Edition, 1st Supplement

Snell's Equity 35th Edition

Gale on Easements 22nd Edition

Bean on Injunctions 15th Edition

Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency 23rd Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Chitty on Contracts 35th Edition (2 volumes) + Supplement

Dilapidations: The Modern Law and Practice, 7th edition Mainwork + Supplement

Construction All Risks Insurance, 4th Edition

Practitioner's Guide to the UK Financial Services Rulebooks 8th Edition

Copinger and Skone James on Copyright 19th Edition

Hewitt on Joint Ventures 8th Edition

Benjamin's Sale of Goods 12th Edition, 1st Supplement

Benjamin's Sale of Goods 12th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Gatley on Libel and Slander 13th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability 9th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Sentencing Principles, Procedure and Practice 2025

UK Competition Regime 2nd Edition

Dealing with Delay and Disruption on Construction Projects 2nd Edition

Preston & Newsom: Restrictive Covenants Affecting Freehold Land 12th Edition

Keating on Construction Contracts 12th Edition

De Smith's Judicial Review 9th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Lindley & Banks on Partnership 21st Edition, Mainwork + Suppelement

Sale of Shares and Businesses: Law, Practice and Agreements 7th Edition

Law of Reinsurance 6th Edition

Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice 14th Edition

Foskett on Compromise 10th Edition

Kerr & Hunter on Receivership and Administration 22nd Edition

Keating on Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering Contracts 3rd Edition

Pitt's Employment Law 13th Edition

Practical Guide to Effective Dispute Resolution: Methods and Clauses 1st Edition

Taxation of Partnerships and Private Capital Structures 2nd Edition

Mental Health Act Manual 27th Edition

O'Hare & Browne: Civil Litigation 21st Edition

Megarry & Wade The Law of Real Property 10th Edition

Colinvaux's Law of Insurance 13th Edition, 2nd Supplement

Hanbury & Martin Modern Equity 23rd Edition

Admiralty Claims 2nd Edition

Carver on Charterparties 3rd Edition

Law of Artificial Intelligence 2nd Edition

Consumer Credit Law and Regulation 1st Edition

Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 24th, Mainwork + Supplement

Limitation Periods, 9th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Arnould: Law of Marine Insurance and Average 21st Edition

MacGillivray on Insurance Law 15th Edition, 2nd Supplement

Jervis on Coroners 15th Edition

Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases 11th Edition, 1st Supplement

Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 24th Edition, 1st Supplement

Limitation Periods 9th Edition, 1st Supplement

Limitation Periods 9th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 24th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases 11th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

MacGillivray on Insurance Law 15th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence 15th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences 31st Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Guest & Liew on the Law of Assignment 5th Edition

Documentary Evidence 15th Edition

McGregor on Damages 22nd Edition

Terrell on the Law of Patents 20th Edition

Law of Evidence 8th Edition

Chalmers and Guest on Bills of Exchange and Cheques 19th Edition

Formation and Variation of Contracts 4th Edition

Megarry & Wade The Law of Real Property 10th Edition

Hague on Leasehold Enfranchisement 7th Edition, 1st Supplement

Hague on Leasehold Enfranchisement 7th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Muir Watt & Moss: Agricultural Holdings 16th Edition

Listed Buildings and Other Heritage Assets 6th Edition

Crown Court Index 2024 44th Edition

Disclosure 6th Edition

The Interpretation of Contracts 8th Edition

Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names 17th Edition

Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading 25th Edition

Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law 6th Edition

Dilapidations: The Modern Law and Practice 7th Edition, 1st Supplement

Crypto and Digital Assets Law and Regulation

Hollington on Shareholders' Rights 10th Edition

Professional Indemnity Insurance Law 3rd Edition

Inheritance Act Claims 5th Edition

Cohabitation and Trusts of Land 4th Edition

Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws 16th Edition 1st Supplement

Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws 16th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Equity & Trusts 7th Edition

Equity & Trusts 7th Edition

Law of International Trade 7th Edition

European Private International Law of Obligations 6th Edition

Business Premises: Possession and Lease Renewal 7th Edition

Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks & Allied Rights 10th Edition

Illegality and Public Policy 6h Edition

Shackleton on The Law and Practice of Meetings 16th Edition

Goode on Legal Problems of Credit and Security 7th Edition

Williams, Mortimer & Sunnucks - Executors, Administrators and Probate 22nd Edition

Goods in Transit 5th Edition

Colinvaux's Law of Insurance 13th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Contractual Duties 4th Edition

Tort 8th Edition

Cretney and Probert's Family Law 11th Edition

Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases 11th Edition

Estoppel by Conduct and Election 3rd Edition

Contract Law - The Fundamentals 6th Edition

Declarations of Trust: 6th Edition

Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts 15th Edition

Duress, Undue Influence and Unconscionable Dealing 4th Edition

Gas and LNG Sales and Transportation Agreements 7th Edition

Lewin on Trusts 20th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Lewin on Trusts 20th Edition 1st Supplement

Handbook of UNCITRAL Arbitration 4th Edition

Duress, Undue Influence and Unconscionable Dealing, 4th Edition

Jurisprudence: Theory and Context 9th Edition

Practitioner's Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights, A

Sinclair on Warranties and Indemnities on Share and Asset Sales

Zander on PACE 9th Edition

Goff & Jones On Unjust Enrichment 10th Edition

Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts 14th Edition 2nd Supplement

Exclusion Clauses and Unfair Contract Terms 13th Edition

Construction Professional Indemnity Insurance 2nd Edition

The Law of Trees, Forests and Hedges 3rd Edition

Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts in the Channel Islands 3rd Edition

Service Charges and Management: Law and Practice 5th Edition

Sterling on World Copyright Law 6th Edition

Damages for Breach of Contract 2nd Edition

Trust Taxation and Estate Planning 5th Edition

Goode and Gullifer on Legal Problems of Credit and Security 7th Edition

Tudor on Charities 11th Edition

Discrimination at Work 2022

English Legal System - The Fundamentals 5th Edition

McEldowney: Public Law 5th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to the Law and Regulation of Market Abuse 3rd Edition

Class Actions in England and Wales 2nd Edition

The Digital Estate 2nd Edition

Central Issues in Jurisprudence: Justice, Law and Rights 6th Edition

Commercial Law 10th Edition

Schemes of Arrangement in Corporate Restructuring 3rd Edition

Cyber Risks Insurance: Law and Practice 2nd Edition

Tritton on Intellectual Property in Europe 6th Edition

Summerskill on Laytime 7th Edition

Oil and Gas Production Contracts 2nd Edition

The Law of Nuclear Energy 3rd Edition

Misrepresentation, Mistake and Non-Disclosure 6th Edition

Arnould Law of Marine Insurance and Average 20th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Commercial Injunctions 7th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Commercial Injunctions 7th Edition, 1st Supplement

Carver on Bills of Lading 5th Edition

Asbestos: Law & Litigation 2nd Edition

Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings 19th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings 19th Edition, 1st Supplement

Oil & Gas Contracts 3rd Edition

The Law of Private Equity Funds 1st edition

Civil Fraud 1st Edition, 1st Supplement

Civil Fraud 1st Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Birds' Modern Insurance Law 12th Edition

IDS Continuity of Employment 2022

Aldridge Powers of Attorney 12th Edition

Renewal of Business Tenancies 6th Edition

Children's Hearings in Scotland 4th Edition

Russell-Clarke & Howe on Industrial Designs 10th Edition

Keating on NEC 2nd Edition

Frustration and Force Majeure 4th edition

Highway Law 6th Edition

Commentary on the LCIA Arbitration Rules, A 2nd Edition

Handbook of ICC Arbitration: Commentary and Materials 5th Edition

Insolvency Litigation: A Practical Guide 3rd Edition

Law of Reinsurance 5th Edition, 1st Supplement

The Law of Personal Property 3rd Edition

Construction Insolvency 7th Edition

Riley on Business Interruption Insurance, 11th Edition

Rook and Ward on Sexual Offences, Law & Practice, 6th Edition

McPherson & Keay's Law of Company Liquidation 5th Edition

Private Equity Law and Practice 7th Edition

Hedge Funds and the Law 3nd Edition

Wadlow on the Law of Passing-Off 6th Edition

Morgan and Burden on IT Contracts 10th Edition

Oil and Gas Exploration Contracts 3rd Edition

Performers' Rights 6th Edition

Rights, Powers and Remedies in Commercial Law

Kennedy and Rose on the Law of Salvage 10th Edition

Barnsley's Land Options 7th Edition

Corporate Criminal Liability, 4th Edition

Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts 14th Edition Mainwork and 1st Supplement

Theobald on Wills 19th Edition

The TRIPS Agreement: Drafting History and Analysis 5th Edition

Construction Law, 13th Edition

Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles of Practice 4th Edition

Judicial Remedies in Public Law, 6th Edition

Goode on Payment Obligations in Commercial and Financial Transactions, 4th Edition

Internet Law and Regulation, 5th Edition

Data Protection Law and Practice 5th Edition

CIPA Guide to the Patents Acts 9th Edition Mainwork and 1st Supplement

The Modern Contract of Guarantee, 4th Edition

Shareholders' Agreements, 8th Edition

Glanville Williams: Learning the Law, 17th Edition

Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort 20th Edition

Cases and Materials on International Law 9th Edition

Cases and Materials on International Law, 9th Edition

Conflicts of Interest, 6th Edition

Darbyshire on the English Legal System 13th Edition

Medical Law and Ethics, 6th Edition

Sassoon on CIF and FOB Contracts 7th Edition

Arlidge and Parry on Fraud 6th Edition

Expert Evidence: Law and Practice 5th Edition

Toulson & Phipps on Confidentiality, 4th Edition

Treitel on The Law of Contract, 15th Edition

Salinger on Factoring 6th Edition

Freedom of Information in the UK

Law and Regulation of Investment Management, 3rd Edition

Electronic Communications, Audiovisual Services and the Internet: EU Competition Law and Regulation, 4th Edition

Boilerplate: Practical Clauses, 8th Edition

Life Sciences and Intellectual Property, First Edition

Byles on Bills of Exchange and Cheques, 30th Edition

Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt 5Ed (Mainwork & 1st Supp)

Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt 5th Edition, 1st Supplement

International Employment Disputes

Security Interests and Title Finance: Jurisdictions of the World, 1st Edition

The Law and Practice of International Finance

Set-Off and Netting, Derivatives and Clearing Systems, 3rd Edition

Comparative Law of Security Interests and Title Finance 3rd Edition

Conflict of Laws in International Finance 2nd Edition

Principles of International Insolvency, 3rd Edition

Project Finance, Securitisations and Subordinated Debt, 3rd Edition

Regulation of International Finance, 2nd Edition

International Insolvency 1st Edition

The Regulation of Healthcare Professionals: The Law, Principle and Process

Boundaries and Easements 7th Edition

Telecommunications Law, 3rd Edition

Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law 5th Edition

Understanding the FIDIC Red and Yellow Books, 3rd Edition

Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law, 5th Edition

Lowndes & Rudolf: Law of General Average,15th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to The Law and Regulation of Financial Crime, 2nd Edition

Brown & Marriott's ADR Principles and Practice 4th Edition

Electronic Signatures and Identities: Law and Regulation, 3rd Edition

Civil Costs 6th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to MiFID II, 3rd Edition

Law of Bank Payments, 5th Edition

Consumer Financial Services Complaints and Compensation, 2nd Edition

Palmer's Limited Liability Partnership Law, 3rd Edition

Accidents Abroad: International Personal Injury Claims, 2nd Edition

Lightman & Moss on the Law of Administrators and Receivers of Companies 6th Edition

Cousins: Law of Mortgages, 4th Edition

Banking Litigation, 4th Edition

Law of Sukuk: Shari'a Compliant Securities

Enforcement of Judgments & Arbitral Awards: Global Guide, 3rd Edition

The Law of Insolvency, 5th Edition

Mental Health Law, 6th Edition

The Insurance of Commercial Risks: Law and Practice, 5th Edition

Drafting Commercial Agreements, 6th Edition

The Law of Insurance Broking, 3rd Edition

Moral Rights, 2nd Edition

UK Merger Control: Law & Practice, 3rd Edition

Offshore Civil Procedure

US Regulation for Asset Managers outside the United States, 2nd Edition

Parry and Kerridge: The Law of Succession, 13th Edition

Encyclopedia of Planning Law and Practice

Elliott & Wood's Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 12th Edition

Individual Conduct and Accountability

Cross-Border Insolvency: Principles and Practice

A Practitioner's Guide to Solvency II

Mergers & Acquisitions, 2nd Edition

Nutshells Land Law, 10th Edition

Nutshells English Legal System, 10th Edition

Nutshells Equity & Trusts, 10th Edition

Arbitration in Africa

Effective Legal Research, 4th Edition

Sale of Ships, 3rd Edition

Electronic Evidence & E-Disclosure Handbook

Enforcement of A Judgment, 12th Edition

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements and their Enforcement, 3Ed

May on Criminal Evidence, 6th Edition

Russell on Arbitration, 24th Edition

Celebrity and Royal Privacy, the Media and the Law

Rectification: The Modern Law and Practice Governing Claims for Rectification for Mistake, Second Edition

Avoiding Professional Negligence Claims 1st Edition

Law of Guarantees, 7th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to Alternative Investment Funds, 3rd Edition

The Confiscation Manual

The Law of Motor Insurance, 2nd Edition

Class Actions

Leniency Regimes, 5th Edition

Joint Ventures, 2nd Edition

Shareholders' Rights, 2nd Edition

Corporate Governance, 2nd Edition

Private Client Tax, 3rd Edition

Human Rights Practice

Global Agricultural Law

International Contract Manual

Kemp & Kemp: Personal Injury Law, Practice and Procedure

Kemp & Kemp: Quantum of Damages

Encyclopedia of Data Protection and Privacy

Public Law

Woodfall: Landlord and Tenant

The definitive guide to all aspects of landlord and tenant law, and the text most often cited in courtrooms. Its encyclopedic coverage combines authority and experience with a concern for the reader’s practical needs. Narrative sections treat each aspect of the subject in turn, incorporating recent case law into the text.

Copyright and Designs Law

British Company Law & Practice Service

Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing)

Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) are the only reports available devoted to sentencing law. Each issue contains up to 40 important sentencing decisions with full details of every judgment. The following features are included for ease of use:

Emmet & Farrand on Title

Providing detailed coverage of all aspects of residential and commercial property transactions, Emmet and Farrand on Title:

Fleet Street Reports: Cases on Intellectual Property Law

First published in 1963, the Fleet Street Reportshas been the ultimate choice for intellectualproperty practitioners. With cases hand pickedby Mary Vitoria QC, a leading intellectual propertyspecialist, it ensures you are on top of the significantcase developments and landmark decisions withinintellectual property.

Colinvaux and Merkin's Insurance Contract Law

Totty, Moss & Segal: Insolvency

The definitive work on corporate insolvency, providing all the necessary explanation and analysis in this area.

Landlord and Tenant Factbook

Palmer's Corporate Insolvency

Encyclopedia of European Union Law

Nutcases: Criminal Law, 7th Edition

It is an essential revision aid which provides in-depth case analysis of the facts, principles and decision of the most important cases in employment law. Incorporates colour to help distinguish cases and legislation and aid ease of use.

The Devil's Advocate, 3rd Edition

Bowett's Law of International Institutions 6th Edition

British Tax Review

Shipping & International Trade Law, 2nd Edition

Deferred Prosecution Agreements

Sale and Supply of Goods and Services, 3rd Edition

Kendall on Expert Determination, 5th Edition

Civil Appeals: Principle and Procedure, 2nd Edition

Mental Health and Scots Law in Practice, 2nd Edition

International Fraud and Asset Tracing, 3rd Edition

Debt Restructuring an Alternative to Insolvency Proceedings

Copyright Litigation, 2nd Edition

This publication provides prompt guidance to anyone involved in litigation in a foreign country or, in a multijurisdictional copyright litigation.

Sourcing World, 2nd Edition

Enforceability of Landlord and Tenant Covenants, 3rd Edition

Lloyd's: Introduction to Jurisprudence, 9th Edition

The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement, 3rd Edition, Volume 1

Securities World, 4th Edition

Drafting British Virgin Islands Trusts

A Practical Guide to Corporate Governance, 5th Edition

Caribbean Private International Law

Insurance, Reinsurance & Regulation

Product Liability

Civil Evidence for Practitioners, 4th Edition

Megarry's Manual of the Law of Real Property, 9th Edition

Nutshells Tort, 10th Edition

It is an essential revision and starter guide which presents the essentials of tort in clear and straightforward language, explaining the basic principles. Incorporates colour to help distinguish cases and legislation and aid ease of use. Breaks the text down into bite-size chunks and includes bullets where appropriate to aid navigation, assimilation and retention of information

Nutshells: Criminal Law, 10th Edition

It is an essential revision and starter guide which presents the essentials of criminal law in clear and straightforward language, explaining the basic principles

A Practitioner's Guide to Financial Services Investigations and Enforcement, 3rd Edition

Todds' Relationship Agreements

Hedge Funds, 2nd Edition

The most recent financial crisis forced regulatory agencies to begin generating new regulations associated with reporting and accounting for hedge funds. This book examines some of the new global regulations, specifically on a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis. Because this industry is based in and invests globally, a careful review of the intricacies of jurisdictions worldwide is not only helpful, but should be required reading by practitioners in the field.

Intellectual Property Law and Taxation, 8th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to the Regulation of Investment Banking, 3rd Edition

Securities Law, 2nd Edition

The Law of Demurrage, 5th Edition

Index to Legal Citations and Abbreviations, 4th Edition

Guide to European Union Law, A, 11th Edition

Partnership Disputes

Unjustified Enrichment, Volume 2

Company Rescue and Liquidation, 3rd Edition

Pensions on Divorce, 2nd Edition

Solicitors' Claims: A Practical Guide

Land Law, 5th Edition

Project Finance, 4th Edition

Hudson Law of Finance, 2nd Edition

Hudson Law of Finance 2nd Edition

Trade Mark Litigation - Jurisdictional Comparisons, 2nd Edition

The Law Relating to Parent & Child in Scotland, 3rd Edition

The Law and Regulation of Finance, 2nd Edition

Economic Loss, 3rd Edition, 2 Volumes

International Finance: Law and Regulation, 3rd Edition

Modern GATT Law A Treatise on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 2nd Edition

A-Z of Civil Litigation, 2nd Edition

Lewison's Drafting Business Leases, 8th Edition

Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary, 12th Edition

Analytical Commentary to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules

Burnett-Hall on Environmental Law, 3rd Edition

EU Antitrust Procedure, 6th Edition

Business Services, Partnering and Outsourcing Contracts: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition

Project Finance

Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing, 2nd Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to Inside Information, 2nd Edition

Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade, 12th Edition

Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade, 12th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to Inside Information, 2nd Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry

Mining Law

A Practitioner's Guide to Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry

Human Rights and Criminal Justice, 3rd Edition

Human Rights and Criminal Justice provides a full and systematic analysis of the impact of UK human rights law on both the substantive criminal law and criminal procedure. It examines first the applicable human rights principles before moving on to consider their impact on specific areas, including the investigation of crime, court procedure, evidence, standards of proof, sentencing, appeals and the rights of victims.

Gateway to Land Law

Nutcases European Union Law, 6th Edition

Practical Company Law and Corporate Transactions, 3rd Edition

Brice on Maritime Law of Salvage, 5th Edition

Provides expert commentary on the key areas salvage operations including: Law of Salvage, Admiralty Court decisions, The Salvage Agreement, Salved property and salved values

Misuse of Drugs and Drug Trafficking Offences, 6th Edition

An invaluable and detailed guide to all aspects of the criminal law relating to drugs, including their manufacture, possession and use, importing, exporting, rules of evidence and police powers, as well as rules pertaining to offences of money laundering, sentencing and confiscation.

The British Firearms Law Handbook, 7th Edition

This book is devoted exclusively to the law relating to the use of guns. In it the ordinary person who handles guns will find all the requirements of the law which he needs to know, and those who have to enforce the law will find it of invaluable assistance to them in their work.

Currie on Confirmation of Executors, 9th Edition

International Agency, Distribution and Licensing Agreements, 6th Edition

"One of the best books of precedents in this area and it is highly recommended"

EPC Contracts and Major Projects, 2nd Edition

Provides a guide to the components of engineering, procurement and construction contracts for major projects

Wisdom's Law of Watercourses, 6th Edition

The law of England and Wales governing streams, rivers, estuaries and related waters, collectively termed ‘watercourses’, is a curious mixture of longstanding common law principles and modern statute law. On the one hand, the present-day rights of riparian owners, and others with acquired interests in flowing waters, are frequently determined by case law dating back, in some instances, to mediaeval times. On the other hand, much of the regulatory regime governing water quality, water quantity and the protection of the aquatic environment has recently been the subject of extensive legislative amendment. Wisdom’s Law of Watercourses spans the diverse sources of national and European Union law applicable to watercourses to provide a comprehensive account of all the key legal issues.

Zamir and Woolf: The Declaratory Judgment, 4th Edition

Product DescriptionThis new 4th edition of the definitive work on the subject explains the wide scope of the declaratory judgment as a public law remedy for both individuals and public bodies and shows how it can be used. References throughout will be made to the changes brought about by the HRA and amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules and cases and legislation will also be updated

Law and the Media, 2nd Edition

Addressing the key legal issues impacting on today’s journalist, Law and the Media:

Maritime Law, 2nd Edition

Maritime Law is a comprehensive guide to maritime law, covering the key areas of maritime law in a concise style suitable for University students and any reader new to the area or new to a particular topic within the area. The work captures the expertise of the members of the Institute of Maritime Law, has an accessible style and clear illustrations from decided cases.

A Practitioners Guide to Basel III and Beyond

Your complete guide to the proposed new Basel Accord, written by a team of experts from PricewaterhouseCoopers, helping you to understand how the new regime differs in practical terms from Basel II, and how it will be implemented at the European and national level.

Laying Down the Law: A Discussion of the People, Processes and Problems that Shape Acts of Parliam

Reveals the inside story of how Acts of Parliament are drafted and made law:

The Dog Law Handbook, 2nd Edition

The Dog Law Handbook is a practical guide which draws together the considerable and diverse body of law relating to dogs and their activities. The first section of the work comprises a narrative summary of the law. This is followed by sections containing the fully annotated, consolidated text of relevant primary and secondary legislation and government circulars.

European Union Law, 3rd Edition

Provides readers with a rigorously structured analysis of the institutional structure of the EU, its jurisdiction, its legal instruments and the main substantive principles underlying EU law.

Discrimination Law, 2nd Edition

Manchester & Salter on Exploring the Law: The Dynamics of Precedent & Statutory Interpretation, 4th Edition

Exploring the Law takes a unique approach to precedent and statutory interpretation which are considered in the context of self-contained case studies on selected topics of substantive law commonly taught in first year undergraduate programmes.

A Practical Guide to International Commercial Arbitration

A Practical Guide To International Commercial Arbitration Assessment, Planning and Strategy

This is an essential hands-on guide for those who require practical, up to date, and easily accessible advice and knowledge in this area.

A Practitioner's Guide to Derivatives

Charlesworth's Company Law, 18th Edition

Restrictive Covenants under Common and Competition Law, 6th Edition

Defamation Law, Procedure and Practice, 4th Edition

Defamation Law, Procedure and Practice provides an outline of the law and focuses on both the practical and tactical aspects of case preparation, delivering a clear, concise and accessible approach to this very complex area of law.

Directors' Disqualifications and Bankrupcy Restrictions, 3rd Edition

Directors’ Disqualification and Bankruptcy Restrictions provides an extensive study of the law and practice relating to directors’ disqualification under the Company Directors’ Disqualification Act 1986. This work provides the background on the CDDA and its impact and examines the core provisions relating to disqualification for unfit conduct.

International Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation in Uncitral Model Law Jurisdictions, 3rd Edition

The new edition of this acclaimed work examines in depth both UNCITRAL’s Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation. It analyses each article of the two Model Laws in turn; their substance and how they have been enacted in jurisdictions around the world.

Trade Marks in Europe: A Practical Jurisprudence, 2nd Edition

The second edition of Trade Marks in Europe looks at the issues from a unique angle: the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice. It provides a practical and critical overview of the state of trade mark law in Europe.

Palmer on Bailment 3rd Edition

Casebook on Scottish Criminal Law, 4th Edition

A Practical Guide to PPP in the UK

A Practitioner's Guide to Private Equity

A Practitioner's Guide to European Leveraged Finance

Parker and Mellows: The Modern Law of Trusts, 9th Edition

Parker and Mellows: The Modern Law of Trusts, 9th Edition

A Practitioners Guide to Takeovers and Mergers in the European Union, 5th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to Corporate Restructuring

The Law and Practice of International Finance

Smith, Bailey & Gunn on the Modern English Legal System, 5th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to Mortgage Regulation

U.S. Securities Laws and Foreign Private Issuers, 2007 Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to EU Financial Services Directives, 2nd Edition

Understanding Criminal Law

Muir Hunter on Personal Insolvency

Muir Hunter on Personal Insolvency is the definitive reference work on personal insolvency. Containing the full text of all relevant legislation and insolvency rules, and reporting all relevant judgments, it provides comprehensive answers to the often-asked questions on this area.

Melville: Forms and Agreements on Intellectual Property and International Licensing, 3rd Edition

This highly practical publication provides fully drafted agreements on over 170 commercial forms and agreements with coverage of all areas of intellectual property law in the United Kingdom, the United States, the EU and the Commonwealth.

Criminal Appeal Reports

First published in 1908, the Reports provide extensive coverage of all major criminal appeal cases, including cases not reported elsewhere. They are widely regarded by both practitioners and academics as the first source of reference for criminal cases and are frequently cited in court.

Practical Commercial Precedents, 4 Volume Looseleaf