Expert Evidence: 75 Expert Areas


Expert Evidence: 75 Expert Areas
Nov 2016

ProView eBook
(approx. USD395.64)

Expert Evidence: 75 Expert Areas provides helpful guidance on expert opinions in:

Accounting, actuarial, digital evidence, document examination, marketing and valuations;
Medical, anesthetics, dental, hypnosis, chiropractic, hearing, intellectual disability, pathology, pharmacology, psychology and psychiatry;
Investigation of remains through pathology, dentistry, entomology, anthropology, osteology;
Forensic areas commonly found in criminal cases such as crime scene, firearms and gunshot residues, fingerprints, drugs and drug labs, alcohol, memory and identification, forensic speaker identification, hairs and fibres, paint, glass, soil, toolmarks, podiatry, DNA, botany, fires, blood spatter, biology, explosions;
Environment issues such as water, air, noise, asbestos, tracing the provenance of gold, pesticides, ecotoxicology, food microbiology; and
Transport and structural failures covering road, rail, air and marine and industrial and workplace.