NEPA Law and Litigation, 2d, 2016 ed.


NEPA Law and Litigation, 2d, 2016 ed.
Jun 2016
ProView eBook

ProView eBook
(approx. USD623.08)

Considered by many to be the top NEPA resource, and cited as an authority by a unanimous Supreme Court in the Methow Valley decision, NEPA Law and Litigation provides expert guidance on the latest legislative, regulatory, and caselaw developments interpreting NEPA. Use this treatise to discover or understand:

  • When NEPA applies
  • Major NEPA compliance requirements
  • Complex NEPA litigation
  • Citizens’ suits
  • The environmental review process
  • When to prepare an environmental impact statement
  • The effect of NEPA on federal agencies
  • Environmental assessment in Europe and Canada
  • When courts should dissolve injunctions after NEPA violations are cured
  • California limitations of climate change requirements
  • Council on Environmental Quality guidance for the application of NEPA
  • Terrorist risk and global climate change as environmental impacts