The Rights of Publicity & Privacy, 2016, 2nd Edition


The Rights of Publicity & Privacy, 2016
Apr 2016
Volume: V 1 & 2


ProView eBook
(approx. USD11,452.18)

The Rights of Publicity and Privacy focuses on the important and evolving field of publicity and privacy rights, whether based on state, common, federal, or foreign law. It explains and comments on the types of claims that may be made against the use of the identity of real people in advertising and sales, as well as in literary works and entertainment. The Copyright Law Journal praised it as an “outstanding work that will … become the definitive work in the field.”

The author provides answers to questions of who or what is protected by privacy rights and examines the claims and positions of:

• Celebrities and political figures
• Corporations and groups
• Personal names and nicknames
• Voices and sounds
• Objects

Topics discussed include:
• The reasons for privacy and publicity rights
• Elements of infringements
• Defenses
• Procedures for asserting rights
• Remedies
• Constitutional issues
• Postmortem right of publicity
• Assignments and licenses
• Trademarks, false advertising, copyright, misappropriation, defamation, and other related torts


Up-to-date caselaw and commentary keep you current on trends and developments, and an appendix, table of cases, and index help you quickly locate needed information.