The Online Bookstore is limited to just those titles currently available for purchase online. To view the full selection of our legal resources, please visit the online Catalogue.

Select a country of publication from the menu on the left or view popular titles from all jurisdictions below.

Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, 4th Edition

Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong is the authoritative work on tort law in Hong Kong and frequently cited in court, with references to overseas authorities and academic commentary. 

Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Fifth Edition

Construction Law & Practice in Hong Kong, 5th Edition seeks to serve those in the construction industry as well as the legal profession, and has been updated to incorporate the changes and solutions adopted for the challenges in the Hong Kong construction industry. 

The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong, Fourth Edition

The 4th edition of The Conflicts of Law in Hong Kong is pertinent to the determination of governing law, jurisdiction and related issues in cases with a cross-border element in Hong Kong. As a result of the adoption by the United Kingdom of EC law on conflicts, there is a growing body of Hong Kong case law diverging from UK case law.

Archbold Hong Kong 2025

 The essential reference manual on criminal law, procedure, sentencing and practice in Hong Kong

POPULAR TITLES: United Kingdom
Dilapidations: The Modern Law and Practice, 7th edition Mainwork + Supplement

Sale of Shares and Businesses: Law, Practice and Agreements 7th Edition

Keating on Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering Contracts 3rd Edition

Foskett on Compromise 10th Edition

Asking the Law Question, 4th Edition

Australian Contract Law: Principles and Cases eBook

Wills, Probate and Administration Law in NSW, Second Edition

Commercial and Personal Property Law: Selected Issues, 3Ed

Black's Law Dictionary 12th Edition

Smarter Law: Transforming Busy Lawyers into Business Leaders

Director and Officer Liability: Indemnification and Insurance, 2016-2017 ed.

American Law of Zoning, 5th